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OPEN HOUSE for 'Whimsical Transformations'

Well! We had a lovely, lovely open house on April the 11th for 'Whimsical Transformations' - an art program I developed and taught as part of the LEAP (Learning Elders Arts Program). We had a two hour class every Thursday over the previous eight weeks.

This is part of the description that I wrote for the main display board:

"The colouring books were flying offthe shelves at work...and I do mean flying!

So much so, it made me stop and wonder why? What was all the fuss about?

That conjured up images of childhood delight over the aroma of opening up my box of crayons, turning through the pages of my colouring book to pick just the right one (nevermind that in the long run they'd all be coloured!) and settling down for a lovely hour or two of colouring. 

No one cared if I coloured outside the lines or which colours I chose – childhood liberties that are "tut-tutted" out of you as you age. Everything I did the adults proclaimed was 'wonderful'! No second thoughts or doubts about what I'd just finished, I merrily went on my way to do another.

It was so much fun (or as we say in adult-speak 'Relaxing, meditative, enjoyable') to disappear into that world of whimsy and colour!

You often hear "Be kind to your inner child"...So who's the grinch that made off with our colouring books?

Can't have that, can we? Better still...what if we make our own?

And so the seed for, "Whimsical Transformations" was born. 

The objective of this course was to learn to dissect what makes a colouring page (or any other piece of art/design) 'work'. Then, taking inspiration from personal photographs, sketch up several quick thumbnails before honing the final sketch into a black & white template to be copied and used for colouring.

We also learned about composition, colour theory/psychology, the curious number '3' and how to make a homemade smudge-stick!

The template copies were coloured using coloured pencils, pens and solvents to produce the lovely work you see presented here tonight.

So long Mr. Grinch!"

A Visual of the Steps:

I was so fortunate to be able to work with such creative students - I thoroughly enjoyed my time with them and hope that they continue with their art endevours.


After the photos - please see acknowledgements below!
(Please excuse the quality of the photos - they were taken with a poor, old phone camera, I'm afraid!)

This is our class :)

(This class was hosted/administered by the First Baptist Church Outreach Ministry under the direction of Rev. Annette Wells - standing at the back on the left). 

Class Collage LEAP
Artwork below: Top left: Lloyd, Bottom Left: Louise, Right: David
Lloyd, Louise and David
Artwork below: Top left: Lynn, Bottom left: Flora, Right: Mada
Lynn, Flora and Mada
Artwork below: Top: Marlene, Bottom: Marjorie
Marlene and Marjorie

Open House - April 11, 2016

Display Boards

Open House - Whimsical Transformations

(Note: On the round table above were free colouring pages taken from the student's templates for visitors to take home.)

The Learning Elders Arts Program (L.E.A.P.) is funded by the Prince Edward Island Department of Education, Early Learning  and Culture under the direction of Hon. Douglas Currie and administered by the PEI Senior Citizens’ Federation. This program is part of the First Baptist Church outreach ministry under the direction of Rev. Annette Wells. This course was developed and taught by artist Wilna Clark-Gerami.


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